Javadoc warning - bad source file: file does not contain class com.example.MyClass
NickName:John Ask DateTime:2018-05-10T00:10:21

Javadoc warning - bad source file: file does not contain class com.example.MyClass

I have a file called and it contains multiple classes(none of them is public). Note that the file does not contain MyFile class. Apparently Javadoc is not happy about this and it generates a warning saying file does not contain class com.example.MyClass. A few solutions I looked into:

  1. Move classes into their own files. This looks like the proper way of fixing the warnings, but the new files won't obliviously have the source control history, so I am trying to avoid it.
  2. Create empty MyFile class. This is ugly.
  3. Hide Javadoc warnings, preferably per file. There is a high chance that this is not possible.

A few questions that I have:

  1. Why does Javadoc complain? I couldn't find any documentation, please point me to one. I think it is perfectly fine not to have a class with the same name as the file.
  2. Any other suggestions I can look into?
  3. Is it possible to hide warnings somehow? additionalparam="-Xdoclint:none" does not work.

Thank you all in advance

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