What is difference between findOne and find_one in Mongo?
NickName:Najeeb P Ask DateTime:2015-12-10T15:19:27

What is difference between findOne and find_one in Mongo?

I'm new in mongodb. Anyone tell me the difference between findOne and find_one query in mongodb.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Najeeb P」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34195874/what-is-difference-between-findone-and-find-one-in-mongo

zedfoxus 2015-12-10T07:32:18

findOne is a db collection's method in MongoDB. find_one is a Python API wrapper around find. With PyMongo API's find_one you can send more parameters to control the output.\n\nfindOne has filter and projection parameters whereas find_one has more parameters: filter, projection, skip, limit etc.\n\nIf you using PyMongo, focusing on find() and find_one() will be more helpful than focusing on pure Mongo's findOne.",

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