Binary file- menu writing and reading, in c issue
NickName:Dimitar Bochev Ask DateTime:2016-03-16T18:05:54

Binary file- menu writing and reading, in c issue

I have to write a program for writing and reading a binary file. There should be a menu for the choice. The file should have indentification number, an article with name, parameters, etc and a price. So it has to be int|sizeof char|char|double.

I have some issues with the code. It compiles. I open the file and write in it. But it "dont want" to read itself. When I remove the double slash comments to make the check the program prints the errors. I need help.

This is the code:

#include <stdio.h>

void writing();
void reading();
int main ()
    char choice;

    /* do
        printf("Enter 1 for writening in file and 2 for reading!\n");
        scanf("%c", &choice);
       // choice=getchar();
        case '1':writing(); break;
        case '2':reading(); break;
    } */

    for (;;)
        printf("Enter a number\n");
        printf("Choose 1 for writening and 2 for reading\n");
        scanf("%c", &choice);
       if (choice=='1'||choice=='2')

        case '1': writing (); break;
        case '2': reading (); break;

    return 0;
void writing ()
    int j,i; // size of article
    int number;
    char article[50];
    double price;


    printf("Enter a string less than 50\n");

    //scanf("%c", &article);

    j=(sizeof (article));

    printf("Enter a number:\n");
    scanf("%d", &number);

    printf("Enter a price:\n");
    scanf("%lf", &price);

    if (fp=fopen ("","ab")==NULL)
        printf("Couldnt open the file\n");

    fwrite(&number,sizeof (int),1,fp);

   /* if(fwrite(&number,sizeof (int),1,fp)!=1)
    } */

    /* if(fwrite(&j,sizeof (int),1,fp)!=1)
    } */
      fwrite(article,sizeof (article),1,fp);

    /*  if(fwrite(article,sizeof (article),1,fp)!=1)
    } */

    fwrite(&price,sizeof (double),1,fp);

    /*if(fwrite(&price,sizeof (double),1,fp)!=1)
    } */


void reading()
    int i; // size of article
    int number;
    int number1;
    char article[50];
    double price;


    printf("Enter a number to start the reading:");
    scanf("%d", &number1);
    if (fp=fopen ("","rb")==NULL)
        printf("Couldnt open the file\n");
    for (;;)

      /*  if(fread(&number,sizeof(int),1,fp)!=1)
        } */


       /* if(fread(&i,sizeof(int),1,fp)!=1)
        } */


       /* if(fread(article,sizeof(article),1,fp)!=1)
        } */

        fread(&price,sizeof (double),1,fp);

        /* if(fread(&price,sizeof (double),1,fp)!=1)
        } */

            printf("%d", number);
            printf("%lf", price);



Ok, so i edited the parenthesis and it works. But without the checks. Thats the reason i commended them. It seems i have problem with them, can u give me more info about the checks in C and help me get these ones work. These are the warnings warnings

*Edit2 I typed the code from the zero again and it works. I fixed the checks.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Dimitar Bochev」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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