Read MongoDB array into perl and walk data
NickName:Steven Carlson Ask DateTime:2016-04-20T07:57:57

Read MongoDB array into perl and walk data

I am trying to capture an array from my MongoDB database into my Perl script and read each element. This is something that I thought would be simple, but for some dumb reason it is kicking my rearend.

My MongoDB Document (in part)

"members" : [ "5713b2d46d210e51836de591", "me", "you", "him", "her" ],

Perl code

$document = $database -> get_collection('my_collection')->find_one({_id => $oid});
@members = $document->{'members'};  
print Dumper @members;  

foreach $member (@members)  
    print "member = $member\n";

Output I am getting:

$VAR1 = [
member = ARRAY(0x47fa398)

Looking at the last line I see that I am being passed a reference to the array instead of the values. So I tried accessing via $member[0] or $member[1] but that just returns the same ARRAY(0x*****).

PLEASE HELP, I am sure it is something stupid.



Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Steven Carlson」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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