Android device offline in Device Chooser
NickName:darkcloudbird Ask DateTime:2016-07-02T15:33:55

Android device offline in Device Chooser

I have been searching for a few days now, here are the specs

  • OS : Mac osx 10.11 (El Captain)
  • Android SDK : recently downloaded
  • Problem : My device is found but offline in device chooser

Here are a few steps I took to shoot the problem down

  1. I connect the device with my Mac
  2. I check in ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices
  3. it shows my devices as 0123456789ABCDEF device
  4. I launch my eclipse
  5. start running my android application
  6. My device chooser shows that device as offline
  7. I again go to terminal and ./adb devices
  8. Bang! it is offline 0123456789ABCDEF offline
  9. when I shut down eclipse and restart adb server, -kill-server and start-server the device shows up in my Terminal correctly but when I launch my eclipse, it is offline again both in eclipse and terminal, sounds like it does not like my eclipse or something,

Please help, I am fairly new to mac and android. I tried all the recipe -kill-server, start-server, reboot device, no luck, The device I tried used, to work on windows machine however,

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「darkcloudbird」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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