What happens if rules are applied multiple time to a form
NickName:Manish Makkad Ask DateTime:2016-08-02T20:00:03

What happens if rules are applied multiple time to a form

This is more of a generic question, please remove it if this is not a correct platform.

My question is what happens if rules are applied to html form multiple time. like every time user clicks on button if rules are applied what will be the impact.

I am pretty sure such things won't happen but in case if we do that will browser go for a memory leak.?

Below is a sample validaiton.

                rules: {
                    txtName: { required: true }
                messages: {
                    txtName: { required: "Please Enter Name." }
                ignore: []

If above rules are called everytime user clicks the button what will be the impact?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Manish Makkad」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38719861/what-happens-if-rules-are-applied-multiple-time-to-a-form

Randy 2016-08-02T12:03:26

Your method is quite simple, it will run, validate, and exit. No memory will be used, apart from the first time the button is clicked and the validation method is being set.\n\nIf you would store those validation rules in an array and append to that array every time the button is clicked, the memory will fill. But that is not the case.\n\nEven if that would be the case, these functions seem so simple you won't run into problems. This is pretty safe.",

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