Node.js require() code completion in WebStorm
NickName:Jordan Yim Ask DateTime:2016-09-24T19:14:10

Node.js require() code completion in WebStorm

In Node.js and WebStorm, we want to avoid using require() with relative file paths, e.g. require('../../../../../ugly/path/to/file')

We've tried using the include function from here:

global.base_dir = __dirname;
global.abs_path = function(path) {
  return base_dir + path;
global.include = function(file) {
  return require(abs_path('/' + file));

global.include is basically require(), but uses an absolute path, eliminating the need for all the ../../../.

The problem is that WebStorm method hinting and autocompletion doesn't work with this. So is there any workaround that allows for WebStorm method completion AND absolute require() paths?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Jordan Yim」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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