Windows IIS Permissions for Prestashop
NickName:Combinu Ask DateTime:2016-11-18T14:19:25

Windows IIS Permissions for Prestashop

Hi i am installing a prestashop framework on an IIS and as you may know it asks for some directories to be accessible for writing. I gave the permissions as needed and continued to install but due to further modules and themes installations i got errors due to not enough permissions. I reversed every thing and on the second try i gave IUSR full control on the parent directory of prestashop to not have anymore problems. Note this is a test version for now.

Q1: Is it ok to leave IUSR with full control permissions or will it be vulnerable? Note also that the site will be secured.

The other idea i have is, giving full control until complete installation than leave with write access only those directories that prestashop writes to such as ~/cache etc...

Q2: Will directories with write access on IUSR be vulnerable for, for example code injection?


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