Kafka Streams - kafka-streams-application-reset.sh sending wrong API version
NickName:foxygen Ask DateTime:2016-12-01T09:37:07

Kafka Streams - kafka-streams-application-reset.sh sending wrong API version

Kafka adds the ability to reset a Kafka Streams app using a script called kafka-streams-application-reset.sh

Confluent has some good documentation on this script here.

Unfortunately, running the script locally results in an error:

$ bin/kafka-streams-application-reset --application-id my-streams-app \
                                      --input-topics my-input-topic \
                                      --intermediate-topics rekeyed-topic \
                                      --bootstrap-servers brokerHost:9092 \
                                      --zookeeper zookeeperHost:2181

# output
ERROR: Request GROUP_COORDINATOR failed on brokers List(...)

Also, the following line appears in the broker logs:

kafka.network.InvalidRequestException: Error getting request for apiKey: 3 and apiVersion: 2

From what I can tell, it looks like the client is making an invalid request, but I'm unsure why this happening. Our brokers are still on 0.9.0 so I'm not sure if that's the issue, but it appears to be a meta data request based on the apiKey value in the broker log.

Could someone please let me know why this might be happening and how it can be resolved?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「foxygen」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40901222/kafka-streams-kafka-streams-application-reset-sh-sending-wrong-api-version

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