Cannot debugging on IIS7 by attaching process w3wp
NickName:max Ask DateTime:2011-03-07T22:55:37

Cannot debugging on IIS7 by attaching process w3wp

I have a website in VS2008 which I have pre-compiled in local directory which is virtual directory for IIS 7(http://machinename:83)

when i 1. launch http://machinename:83/ 2. VS2008-->debug-->Attach to Process..-->select w3wp.exe 3. set the breakpoint in code in VS2008 4. run app

while i found it cannot go to the breakpoint. (i m sure the breakpoint must be run)

anybody can help me on this?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「max」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Josh Pearce 2011-03-07T15:05:29

What you're doing should work, but you can try this, which is frequently used to debug Windows services upon startup:\n\nSystem.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch();\n\n\nJust put it on the line where you want to start debugging, and the OS will prompt you to attach.",

David J. 2012-01-03T14:27:16

If you are using the Publish Web Site feature in Visual Studio, then make sure that the 'Emit debug information' checkbox is checked.",

OBender 2014-03-01T17:10:44

Please endure you don't have Optimize Code option tuned on, in the web config and in the Property's -> Build -> Optimize code is OFF\n\n\n\nin web.config\n\n <compilation debug=\"true\" batch=\"true\" optimizeCompilations=\"false\" />\n",

marquito 2012-03-01T13:20:45

make sure your web.config is set with \n\n<compilation debug=\"true\">\n",

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