Calculate field in a projection mongodb c#
NickName:M. Saponara Ask DateTime:2017-03-14T01:38:02

Calculate field in a projection mongodb c#

I have the following query in mongoDB

        $match: { $text: { $search: "monitor" } } ,
        $project: {
             _id: 1,
            titulo :1,               
            ranking : {
                $avg: "$valoracion.valor"
       $sort : { 
                ranking : -1 , fechaAlta : -1               

And I'm trying to convert it to a C # query (MongoDB.Driver), but I have a problem with the calculated field (average) in the projection.

My question is: How can I get a calculated field ("ranking") in the projection?

This is what I have:

 public async Task<List<T>> All<T>(string searchBy, int page, int size) where T : class, new()
            var projectionSelect = Builders<T>.Projection.Include("_id")
                                                                    //.Include(new BsonDocument { { "rating", new BsonDocument { { "$avg", "$valoracion.valor" } } } }); that didn´t wokt for me

            return await _dataBase.GetCollection<T>(GetName<T>()).Aggregate().Project<T>(projectionSelect)                    

        catch (Exception ex)

I appreciate the help in advance

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