How to get a table row from a control inside a cell
NickName:anairinac Ask DateTime:2014-01-18T13:01:39

How to get a table row from a control inside a cell

I have this table in my Page.aspx

<asp:Table ID="table1" runat="server" CssClass="tabla" ></asp:Table>

I am building dynamically table1 in my Page.aspx.cs from a list using a foreach, adding 3 cells:

TableCell cell_name = new TableCell();
cell_name.Text = "Some name";
TableCell cell_active = new TableCell();
CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox();
TableCell cell_actions = new TableCell();
ImageButton button = new ImageButton();

TableRow row = new TableRow();


I want my ImageButton to have a onClick event and get from there the table row id (index inside the table) for the parent row of my ImageButton that was clicked. Is that possible? Any ideas?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「anairinac」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Samiey Mehdi 2014-01-18T06:27:56

Try this:\n\nprotected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)\n{\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)\n {\n TableCell cell_name = new TableCell();\n cell_name.Text = \"Some name\";\n\n TableCell cell_active = new TableCell();\n CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox();\n cell_active.Controls.Add(checkbox);\n\n TableCell cell_actions = new TableCell();\n ImageButton button = new ImageButton();\n button.CommandArgument=i.ToString();\n button.Click += RowClick;\n cell_actions.Controls.Add(button);\n\n TableRow row = new TableRow();\n row.Cells.Add(cell_name);\n row.Cells.Add(cell_active);\n row.Cells.Add(cell_actions);\n\n table1.Rows.Add(row);\n }\n}\nprotected void RowClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\n{\n int rowIndex =int.Parse( ((ImageButton)sender).CommandArgument);\n Response.Write(\"RowIndex = \" + rowIndex);\n}\n",

Aheho 2014-01-18T05:09:17

In the click event handler:\n\nImageButton btn = sender as ImageButton;\nTableCell tc = btn.Parent as TableCell;\nTableRow tr = tc.Parent as TableRow;\n",

zey 2014-01-18T05:10:25

This is how to add click event handler \n\n button .Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(button _Click);\n\n\n..\n\n void button _Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)\n{\n ......\n",

anairinac 2014-01-18T08:27:09

Other possible solution besides using CommandArgument attribute in the clicked Control:\n\nprotected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\n{\n ImageButton button = sender as ImageButton;\n TableCell cell = button.Parent as TableCell;\n TableRow row = cell.Parent as TableRow;\n int index = table1.Rows.GetRowIndex(row);\n}\n\n\nindex variable gets the row index in table1. This solution is based on the answer given by @Aheho.",

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