Yum trying to install .el7 release on CentOS 6
NickName:codeMonkey Ask DateTime:2015-12-04T23:21:08

Yum trying to install .el7 release on CentOS 6

I have generated two RPMs. One for CentOS 6 and one for CentOS 7.



When I do a yum info my-package on a CentOS 6 machine, it gives me the el7 information. When I do yum install my-package it does the same, gets the el7 version. Why is it doing this? I'm trying to avoid installing a el7 version on a el6 machine.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「codeMonkey」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34091614/yum-trying-to-install-el7-release-on-centos-6

Aaron D. Marasco 2015-12-04T23:02:36

It sounds like you have them in the same yum repository. You shouldn't. You should be posting one to a CentOS6 repo and the other to a CentOS7 repo. Otherwise, yum is comparing them and deciding that 7 > 6 when comparing the release tags, so therefore that's the newest package available. \n\nThe el6 (AKA \"dist tag\") is a convenience to the user as a suffix to the release, and is not something that RPM can select on directly.",

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