Is there a way to convert from a general tree to binary SEARCH tree?
NickName:Captain Man Ask DateTime:2013-04-18T23:24:00

Is there a way to convert from a general tree to binary SEARCH tree?

I know how to convert from a general tree to a binary tree just fine,

      a             a
    / | \          /
   b  c  d   ->   b

I was just asked how to convert from a general tree to a binary search tree though. My thoughts are that the person who asked me either didn't mean binary search tree (I asked him, he said he did), or he's misunderstanding something from his class notes. In any case, has anyone heard of doing this? General tree to binary search tree? The answer I gave him was first convert to a binary tree then sort it to get a binary search tree. Is this correct?

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dragos2 2013-04-18T15:29:12

I think you just have to traverse the initial tree and insert each node into a binary search tree. After that, you will have converted your initial tree into a BST.\n\nFor traversing the tree click here\n\nFor binary search tree info and insertion method click here",

user5096772 2015-11-25T23:20:09

**\n\n\n This is an algorithm I created that can convert a tree data structure\n into a 2 degree tree true (Binary tree). Following is the node\n structure for the tree nodes.\n\n\n**\n\ntemplate<class T>\nclass Node\n{\npublic:\n T _data; // The Node Data\n\n std::vector<Node<T>*> _link; // Possible OutLinks from the Node.\n\n Node(){}\n\n void setValue(T D){ _data = D; }\n\n T getValue()const{ return _data; }\n\n ~Node(){}\n};\n\nFollowing is the tree adapter.\n\ntemplate <class T> \n\nclass tree{\n\n Node<T>*_root; // The Pointer holding the root node.\n\n int _degree;\n\n std::string _type; // shows the tree type,Binary Or Any other outdegree \n\n//degrees.\n\npublic:\n\n tree(){ _degree = 0; _root = NULL; }\n\n tree(Node<T>*R, int D) :_root(R),_degree(D){}\n\n\n Node<T>* getRoot()const{ return _root; }\n\n ~tree(){ _root = NULL; }\n};\n\n//.........\n//This is the Algorithm for converting a x-order tree to a binary tree.\n\n///*This Template function is used to convert a general tree into a binary tree \n\nwithout loosing any nodes,with the same root node.*/\n\ntemplate<class T> \n\ntree<T> makeBinaryTree(tree<T> _tree){\n\n Node<T>* node = _tree.getRoot();\n\n Node<T>* root = new Node<T>;\n\n root = node;\n\n\n int i = 0;\n\n int k = 0;\n\n std::queue<Node<T>*> que; // que used to save the links other than the \n\nleftmost one.\n\n std::stack<Node<T>*> s1; // stack for saving the tree nodes,while going deep \ninto left\n\n std::stack<char>s2;\n\n Node<T>* s3;\n\n char flag = ' ';\n\n while (true){\n\n while (root&&flag!='A'){\n\n s1.push(root);\n\n if (root->_link[0] == NULL && root->_link.size())\n\n s2.push('C');\n\n else if (root->_link.size() > 1){\n\n s2.push('B');\n\n }\n\n else\n\n s2.push('A');\n\n root = root->_link[0];\n\n }\n\n if (s1.empty())break;\n\n root = s1.pop();\n\n flag = s2.pop();\n\n\n if (flag == 'C'){ // handles the deep left node with any number of nodes \n\nother than in socket 0.\n\n while (true){\n\n i = 1;\n\n if (root->_link[0] == NULL&&root->_link.size() == 0){ flag = 'A'; break; \n\n}\n if (root->_link.size() >= 1){\n\n while (true)\n\n {\n\n if (root->_link[i]){\n\n root->_link[0] = root->_link[i];\n\n root->_link.erase(i);\n\n if (root->_link.size() > 1){\n\n s1.push(root);\n\n s2.push('B');\n\n }\n\n break;\n\n }\n\n ++i;\n\n }\n\n root = root->_link[0];\n\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n\n if (flag == 'B'){ // any node except the deep left node that has more links \n\nfrom it.\n\n i = root->_link.size()-1;\n\n k = i-1;\n\n while (K!=0){\n\n root->>_link.push(root-> + 1));\n\n --k;\n\n }\n\n s3->_link[1] = root->_link[1];\n\n root->_link.erase[1];\n\n s1.push(root);\n\n s2.push('A');\n // Now You have to manage link 1 of s3.\n\n s3 = s3->_link[1];\n\n\n\n if (s3->_link.size()){\n\n //TODO...\n\n //Testing...\n\n root = s3;\n\n }\n\n //AT the end \n\n s3 = NULL;\n\n\n\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n if (flag == 'A'){ // the safe nodes,i.e having only one node from it \n\n,other than the deep left node\n\n s3 = root;\n\n }\n\n\n\n }//end of main while loop.\n\nreturn (new tree<T>(node,2));\n\n}\n",

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