Auto generate comments (documentation) for functions in eclipse CDT
NickName:Ravi Ask DateTime:2012-07-21T21:31:00

Auto generate comments (documentation) for functions in eclipse CDT

I am using eclipse Juno with CDT. I have written a function in a cpp file and I want to add comments for the function. Does CDT supports Auto generate comments by "typing /** then press enter"? In my case the auto generated comments are only as follows.


As explained here, I even configured to use Doxygen support.Go to C/C++ -> Editors -> Documentation Tool Comments: Doxygen.

I still get the comments as mentioned above. How can I configure eclipse to add comments of my own style?

I changed comments even in Code templates. Go to C/C++ -> Code Style -> Code templates -> Comments. I changed Types, Fields, Methods. Still there is no luck for me.

Can someone assist me on this?

Thanks, Ravi

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Ravi」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

Thirler 2013-01-28T12:31:57

If you want the automated filling in of parameters etc, like Eclipse for Java does. \n\nOpen your project properties. Then C++ General. Then select Doxygen as your documentation tool. The type /** as you did to get the fully filled comment.",

Antonio 2016-05-20T14:40:35

For completeness, since it usually works and there was no feedback about any specific problem of the user asking this question, I would like to point to the generally working solution.",

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