How to get databases names from listDatabases in mongodb?
NickName:Nida Amin Ask DateTime:2018-01-15T20:06:49

How to get databases names from listDatabases in mongodb?

I am getting objects from below query in mongodb in variable

     $dbases = $this->connection->listDatabases(); 



        object(MongoDB\Model\DatabaseInfoLegacyIterator)#10 (1) { ["databases":"MongoDB\Model\DatabaseInfoLegacyIterator":private]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(3) "MGL" ["sizeOnDisk"]=> float(3596288) ["empty"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "SiteStatus" ["sizeOnDisk"]=> float(32768) ["empty"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "admin" ["sizeOnDisk"]=> float(32768) ["empty"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "config" ["sizeOnDisk"]=> float(12288) ["empty"]=> bool(false) } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "local" ["sizeOnDisk"]=> float(73728) ["empty"]=> bool(false) } } } 

I want to extract database names only like MGL,SiteStatus from this object. Please help me in extracting them through php code. I have tried like

            foreach ($dbases['databases'] as $dbs) 
                $dbname = $dbs['name'];                              

It is not working. Please help!!!

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