Python panda overwrite value based on conditional in other column
NickName:jeangelj Ask DateTime:2018-04-04T02:01:23

Python panda overwrite value based on conditional in other column

Working with the dataframe df in python pandas:

Product_ID  | Category  | Sub_Cat
32432           0         Gadget
24085         Big Tech    Computer
54398         Small Tech  Gadget
97456           0         Computer

I am working on a new column, where I will over-write the Sub_Cat value with the Category value, if it is not 0.

This is the output I am looking for:

Product_ID  | Category  | Sub_Cat         | Cat_for_Analysis
32432           0         Gadget            Gadget
24085         Big Tech    Computer          Big Tech
54398         Small Tech  Gadget            Small Tech
97456           0         Computer          Computer

Thank You!

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「jeangelj」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

root 2018-04-03T18:47:18

Using np.where:\n\ndf['Cat_for_Analysis'] = np.where(df['Category'] == '0', df['Sub_Cat'], df['Category'])\n\n\nOr equivalently the negated version, if it makes more intuitive sense based on your problem:\n\ndf['Cat_for_Analysis'] = np.where(df['Category'] != '0', df['Category'], df['Sub_Cat'])\n\n\nThe resulting output for either method:\n\n Product_ID Category Sub_Cat Cat_for_Analysis\n0 32432 0 Gadget Gadget\n1 24085 Big Tech Computer Big Tech\n2 54398 Small Tech Gadget Small Tech\n3 97456 0 Computer Computer\n",

BENY 2018-04-03T18:04:35

You can using ffill after replace '0' to np.nan\n\ndf['Cat_for_Analysis']=df.replace('0',np.nan)[['Category','Sub_Cat']].bfill(1).iloc[:,0]\ndf\nOut[876]: \n Product_ID Category Sub_Cat Cat_for_Analysis\n0 32432 0 Gadget Gadget\n1 24085 BigTech Computer BigTech\n2 54398 SmallTech Gadget SmallTech\n3 97456 0 Computer Computer\n",

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