Highlight mysql dynamically generated table based on user highlight and storing information permanently
NickName:Sarah Munir Ask DateTime:2018-11-19T22:41:59

Highlight mysql dynamically generated table based on user highlight and storing information permanently

I have a table with a highlight option on each row. The table is generated dynamically from mysql data. Currently, when a user selects a color from a drop down menu, the color of the row changes. Each row has its own drop down. My question is, how can I store this css information in my database so the next time a user accesses the site the table is already highlighted? Here is the code I use to change the color of the table row when using the drop down

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $(document).on('click', 'tr', function () {
            var color = ['none', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'];
            $('select').change(function() {
                $(this).parents('tr').css('background', color[$(':selected', this).index()]);

The table rows are generated dynamically using an ajax request. I know text can easily be made dynamic and updated but I am trying to find a way to modify a php or css sheet that can store the info. I am not sure how as the selected row here changes and each row has its own drop down.

Here is the code I use for generating each table row.

    function create_html_table (tbl_data)

        //--->create data table > start
        var tbl = '';
        tbl +='<table>'

            //--->create table header > start
            tbl +='<thead>';
                tbl +='<tr>';
                tbl +='<th></th>';
                tbl +='<th></th>';
                tbl +='<th></th>';
                tbl +='<th></th>';

                tbl +='</tr>';
            tbl +='</thead>';

            tbl +='<tbody>';

                $.each(tbl_data, function(index, val) 
                    var row_id = val['row_id'];

                    tbl +='<tr row_id="'+row_id+'">';
                        tbl +='<td><select name="Select1"><option></option><option>Red</option><option>Yellow</option><option>Green</option></select></td>'
                        tbl +='<td ><div>'+val['']+'</div></td>';
                        tbl +='<td ><div>'+val['']+'</div></td>';
                        tbl +='<td ><div>'+val['']+'</div></td>';

            tbl +='</tbody>';

        tbl +='</table>';

        //out put table data


    var ajax_url = "<?php echo APPURL;?>/ajax.php" ;
    var ajax_data = <?php echo json_encode($q1);?>;

    //create table on page load

    //--->create table via ajax call > start
    //--->create table via ajax call > end

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Sarah Munir」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53376988/highlight-mysql-dynamically-generated-table-based-on-user-highlight-and-storing

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