PHP string comparing with ===
NickName:Antonio Ask DateTime:2011-09-18T10:52:38

PHP string comparing with ===

I'm making a login script for my site.

It sends a POST (using curl) to another server with the user pass etc.
If the info is wrong it returns Bad login

But when I check the reply even if it's wrong it will say the login is successful.

if ($result === "Bad login"){
    $password_status = 'Wrong password.';
    $error = true;

i have also tried strcmp as well with no success.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Antonio」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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drew010 2011-09-18T02:56:27

Yes, try var_dump($result) because it may contain other characters.\n\nMaybe try:\n\n<?php\nif (strpos(strtolower($result), 'bad login') !== false) {\n $error = true;\n}\n",

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