SQL - How to SELECT declared variables into #temp table
NickName:P.Brian.Mackey Ask DateTime:2011-09-09T00:56:44

SQL - How to SELECT declared variables into #temp table

I want to do

SELECT @var1, @var2
INTO #myTempTable

I keep getting error

There is already an object named '#myTempTable' in the database.

My code goes

   [value1] varchar(10),
   [value2] varchar(20)

declare @var1 varchar(10), @var2 varchar(20)

SELECT @var1 = [value1], @var2 = [value2]
FROM somePermTable
where Condition = true

SELECT @var1, @var2 INTO #myTempTable

drop table #myTempTable

What am I doing wrong?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「P.Brian.Mackey」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7351742/sql-how-to-select-declared-variables-into-temp-table

a1ex07 2011-09-08T16:58:14

INSERT INTO #TempTables SELECT @var1, @var2\nSelect ... into creates a new table (which is already created in your case). Insert ... select inserts data into existing table.\n\nUpdate\nMore explanation.\nSQL Server doesn't allow creating 2 tables with the same name. In your case you have local temporary table which is created twice (1st time CREATE TABLE, 2nd SELECT ... INTO..), so you get an error.\nDepends on what you want you can\n1. Drop table and create it again\n2. Remove all data (if any) from it and populate it with INSERT INTO... SELECT",

JonH 2011-09-08T16:57:46

You must have added drop table @myTempTable at a later point, so SQL Server still sees this table. Open a new query window and do a\n\ndrop table #myTempTable \n\nThen you can execute your original command:\n\nCREATE TABLE #myTempTable\n(\n [value1] varchar(10),\n [value2] varchar(20)\n)\n\ndeclare @var1 varchar(10), @var2 varchar(20)\n\nSELECT @var1 = [value1], @var2 = [value2]\nFROM somePermTable\nwhere Condition = true\n\nSELECT @var1, @var2 INTO #myTempTable\n\ndrop table #myTempTable\n\n\nLooks like you have a temp table already, simply drop it first\n\nDROP TABLE #myTempTable",

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