Formatting the result of DriveInfo's TotalSize in C#
NickName:bobble14988 Ask DateTime:2011-08-31T00:25:06

Formatting the result of DriveInfo's TotalSize in C#

So we all know that the following code will return a long:

DriveInfo myDrive = new DriveInfo("C:\\");
long size = myDrive.TotalSize;
Console.WriteLine("Drive Size is: {0}", size);

The output will be something like this:

Drive Size is: 114203439104

So I think this means that the drive has a total size of around 114 GigaBytes.

However, I want to get this into the following format:

114.2 MB

Is there a really quick and easy way of doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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musefan 2011-08-30T16:35:08

I think that is 114 GB but hey. Anyway, I would write a helper function for this. Something like...\n\npublic string GetSize(long size)\n{\n string postfix = \"Bytes\";\n long result = size;\n if(size >= 1073741824)//more than 1 GB\n {\n result = size / 1073741824;\n postfix = \"GB\";\n }\n else if(size >= 1048576)//more that 1 MB\n {\n result = size / 1048576;\n postfix = \"MB\";\n }\n else if(size >= 1024)//more that 1 KB\n {\n result = size / 1024;\n postfix = \"KB\";\n }\n\n return result.ToString(\"F1\") + \" \" + postfix;\n}\n\n\nEDIT: As pointed out, I had complete forgot to deal with the size (code amended)",

ʞᴉɯ 2011-08-30T16:37:17

This is the snippet i'm using:\n\n public static string FormatBytesToHumanReadable(long bytes)\n {\n if (bytes > 1073741824)\n return Math.Ceiling(bytes / 1073741824M).ToString(\"#,### GB\");\n else if (bytes > 1048576)\n return Math.Ceiling(bytes / 1048576M).ToString(\"#,### MB\");\n else if (bytes >= 1) \n return Math.Ceiling(bytes / 1024M).ToString(\"#,### KB\");\n else if (bytes < 0)\n return \"\";\n else\n return bytes.ToString(\"#,### B\");\n }\n",

rtalbot 2011-08-30T16:32:06

Yes. Repeated division by 1024.\n\nvar kb = size/1024;\nvar mb = kb/1024;\n",

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