Chess: Duplicate code in movement validations - Java
NickName:Rithvik Tiecelle Ask DateTime:2019-01-02T21:43:28

Chess: Duplicate code in movement validations - Java

I am currently learning Java and working on a class assignment. We're supposed to make a "weird version" of Chess. Like in original chess, pieces can't move if there is a piece in their way, the obvious exception being the Horse, which can hop over all pieces except Kings.

I have an abstract class Piece that is inherited by all the piece types, each with their own rules of movement. Most of them have this movement restriction, and so I have defined the methods in this class:

    public boolean freeWayHorizontally(int xO, int yO, int xD) {
    if (xO < xD) {
        for (int x = xO + 1; x < xD; x++) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(x, yO);
            if (thereIsPiece != null){
                return false;
    } else if (xO > xD) {
        for (int x = xO - 1; x > xD; x--) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(x, yO);
            if (thereIsPiece != null){
                return false;
    return true;

public boolean freeWayVertically(int xO, int yO, int yD) {
    if (yO < yD) {
        for (int y = yO + 1; y < yD; y++) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(xO, y);
            if (thereIsPiece != null){
                return false;
    } else if (yO > yD) {
        for (int y = yO - 1; y > yD; y--) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfThereIsPiece(xO, y);
            if (thereIsPiece != null){
                return false;
    return true;

thereIsPiece(int x, int y) is a function from the Chess Simulator class that, given a position on the board, returns the piece in that position.

As is obvious, these two receive the same parameters (origin coordinates and a destination coordinate, where one of the destination coordinates is one of the piece's origin coordinates), so the only thing that really changes is the way thereIsPiece() is called. EDIT: And because of this, they're marked as duplicates, and from what I've been told, that's very bad!

However, I can't seem to figure out a way to solve this problem using only one of these methods; ALSO AN EDIT: I've tried overloading it, but then it'd work only vertically or horizontally (may have done it wrong).

The thing is I need these to be done separately to implement the Horse's movement, that overrides these methods:

public boolean freeWayHorizontally(int xO, int yO, int xD) { //Overriden by the Horse class
    if (xO < xD) {
        for (int x = xO + 1; x <= xD; x++) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(x, yO);
            if (thereIsPiece != null && thereIsPiece.isKing){
                return false;
    } else if (xO > xD) {
        for (int x = xO - 1; x >= xD; x--) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(x, yO);
            if (thereIsPiece != null && thereIsPiece.isKing){
                return false;
    return true;

public boolean freeWayVertically(int xO, int yO, int yD) { //Overriden by the Horse class
    if (yO < yD) {
        for (int y = yO + 1; y <= yD; y++) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfTheresPiece(xO, y);
            if (thereIsPiece != null && thereIsPiece.isKing){
                return false;
    } else if (yO > yD) {
        for (int y = yO - 1; y >= yD; y--) {
            CrazyPiece thereIsPiece = Simulador.checkIfThereIsPiece(xO, y);
            if (thereIsPiece != null && thereIsPiece.isKing){
                return false;
    return true;

And then calls its own type of movement check, also defined in the Piece class:

public boolean freeWayL(int xO, int yO, int xD, int yD) {
    boolean fH, fV;
    //Horizontal -> Vertical
    fH = this.freeWayHorizontally(xO, yO, xD);
    if (fH) {
        fV = this.freeWayVertically(xD, yO, yD);
        if (fV) {
            return true;
    //Vertical -> Horizontal
    fV = this.freeWayVertically(xO, yO, yD);
    if (dV) {
        fH = this.freeWayHorizontally(xO, yD, xD);
        if (fH) {
            return true;
    return false;

What can I do to avoid all this duplication, or even to make these validations better?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Rithvik Tiecelle」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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