Does ASP.NET mean ASP.NET WebForms?
NickName:user6051680 Ask DateTime:2016-12-26T22:50:08

Does ASP.NET mean ASP.NET WebForms?

I have worked with ASP.NET MVC 5.0 and that is the only ASP* technology I have ever seen or worked with. I even searched on Goolge and got more confused.

For example in this book, what are they teaching? When they say ASP.NET, does it mean ASP.NET Web Forms? enter image description here

Mainly my question is this: When I see ASP.NET , does it mean ASP.NET WebForms? ( Unless it is ASP.NET core or MVC, those two I know ) but I get confused between ASP.NET and ASP.NET WebForms?

Many years ago one time I dragged dropped some buttons and text boxes on a ASP.NET page, it was VS2003 :) I think, so was that ASP.NET WebForms and this book above is still the continuation of that one? Or we can use some sort of ASP.NET that is not WebForms or MVC or Core too?

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