UNIX - How to write the NAME & PATH of files from different sub-directories into a single .txt file?
NickName:Eric Hong Ask DateTime:2019-04-03T02:58:44

UNIX - How to write the NAME & PATH of files from different sub-directories into a single .txt file?

So I have a bunch of files in different sub-directories that I want to print the NAME and PATH of these files into a single ".txt" file. This will be a recursive process as the files will be added daily and the ".txt" file will also be updated, so there is no fix amount of files. All the files will be in a ".txt" format.

For example:

C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop\File has folders File1 and File2

File1 contains File1.txt

File2 containts File2.txt

I want the outcome in the ".txt" file to look like:

File1 C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop\File\File1

File2 C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop\File\File2

Can dir /B /S /O > list.txt for UNIX too? That provides the path but what can I do for just the file names?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Eric Hong」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55481795/unix-how-to-write-the-name-path-of-files-from-different-sub-directories-into

user1637056 2019-04-02T19:06:15

To get a recursive list of all the files recursively you can use find .\nTo get both names and full pathes you can try something like:\n\nfind . | while read line ; do echo $line; realpath $line ; done\n",

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