UnityAds 3.4.4 IOS duplicate
NickName:AMeng Ask DateTime:2020-04-22T15:06:30

UnityAds 3.4.4 IOS duplicate

I'm using Unity 2019.3.2f1 and, after updating UnityAds to 3.4.4, there are some errors.

duplicate symbol '_NetworkChange' in:


duplicate symbol '_kChinaIsoAlpha2Code' in:


duplicate symbol '_kChinaIsoAlpha3Code' in:


ld: 3 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64

I have try create new project, the problem still there. Repeat method:

  1. Create new Unity project.
  2. Import UnityAds from Package Manager, the version update to 3.4.4
  3. build iOS project.
  4. Run in XCode.

I don't enable the UnityAds server, and only one UnityAds.framework file in the XCode. It looks like some content is packed into the libiPhone-lib.a.

Has anyone encountered the same problem?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「AMeng」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61359158/unityads-3-4-4-ios-duplicate

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