unix shell - ls -d $PWD
NickName:jay Ask DateTime:2020-07-15T05:20:44

unix shell - ls -d $PWD

I would like to make an alias called Ls which prints out the current directory and file name when I try to list a specific file

unix> ls a.txt
unix> a.txt -> print out

I want it to print out the directory name too:

unix> /hier1/hier2/hier3/a.txt

When I do 'ls -d $PWD/a.txt'
it prints out

unix> /hier1/hier2/hier3/a.txt

When I make an alias of the above

alias Ls 'ls -d $PWD', it prints out the as below with a space.

unix> Ls a.txt
unix> /hier1/hier2/hier3 a.txt 

How do I get the below print without the space and with a slash as below:

unix> Ls a.txt
unix> /hier1/hier2/hier3/a.txt -> THIS IS WHAT I WANT

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「jay」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62904190/unix-shell-ls-d-pwd

nav610 2020-07-14T23:30:25

You are better off making a function. Go into your ~/.bashrc file and create the function as such with the export command:\nfunction Ls(){\n p="$PWD" \n out="${p}/${1}"\n echo $out\n}\n\nThen save and quit :wq, and type in:\nsource ~/.bashrc \n\nAnd the command should be ready to go\nIf you are using zsh, then add:\nif [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then\n . ~/.bashrc\nfi\n\nto the ~/.zshrc file.",

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