Oracle - Finding missing /non-joined records
NickName:user1009073 Ask DateTime:2020-10-02T02:49:16

Oracle - Finding missing /non-joined records

I have an issue in Oracle 12 that is easiest explained with the traditional database design scenario of students, classes, and students taking classes called registrations. I understand this model well. I have a scenario where I need to get a COMPLETE list, of all students against ALL classes, and whether or not they are taking that class or not...

Lets use this table design here...



 ) ;

So assume the following... 300 students, and 15 different classes... and the REGISTRATION table will show how many students taking how many classes... What I need is that info PLUS all the NON-TAKEN combinations... i.e. I need a report (SQL statement) that shows ALL possible combinations... i.e. 300 x 15, and then whether that row exists in the registration for example, the output should look like this...

STUDENTID   Class1_GRADE  Class2_Grade      Class3_Grade`       Class4_Grade
101         A               B                   Not Taking          A
102         C               Not Taking          Not Taking          Not Taking
****** THIS STUDENT NOT TAKING ANY CLASSES So NOT in the Registrations Table
103         Not Taking      Not Taking          Not Taking          Not Taking  

This would work as well, and I can probably do a PIVOT to get the above listing.

101         Class1    A
101         Class2    B
101         Class3    Not Taking
101         Class4    A
102         Class1    C
102         Class2    Not Taking
102         Class3    Not Taking
102         Class4    Not Taking
103         Class1    Not Taking  // THIS STUDENT NOT TAKING ANY CLASSES
103         Class2    Not Taking
103         Class3    Not Taking
103         Class4    Not Taking

How do I fill in the missing data, i.e. the combination of students and classes NOT taken...?

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MT0 2020-10-01T20:24:22

CROSS JOIN the students and classes and then LEFT OUTER JOIN the registrations and then use COALESCE to get the Not taken value:\nSELECT s.studentid,\n c.classid,\n COALESCE( TO_CHAR( r.grade ), 'Not taken' ) AS grade\nFROM students s\n CROSS JOIN classes c\n LEFT OUTER JOIN registration r\n ON ( s.studentid = r.studentid AND c.classid = r.classid )\n\nWhich, if you have the data:\nINSERT INTO Classes\nSELECT LEVEL,\n 'Class' || LEVEL,\n 'Instructor' || LEVEL\nFROM DUAL\nCONNECT BY LEVEL <= 3;\n\nINSERT INTO Students\nSELECT TO_CHAR( LEVEL, 'FM000' ),\n 'Student' || LEVEL,\n 'Major'\nFROM DUAL\nCONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5;\n\nINSERT INTO Registration\nSELECT 1, '001', 4 FROM DUAL UNION ALL\nSELECT 1, '002', 2 FROM DUAL UNION ALL\nSELECT 1, '003', 5 FROM DUAL UNION ALL\nSELECT 2, '001', 3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL\nSELECT 3, '001', 1 FROM DUAL;\n\nThen it outputs:\n\n\nSTUDENTID | CLASSID | GRADE \n:-------- | :------ | :--------\n001 | 1 | 4 \n002 | 1 | 2 \n003 | 1 | 5 \n001 | 2 | 3 \n001 | 3 | 1 \n005 | 1 | Not taken\n004 | 2 | Not taken\n003 | 3 | Not taken\n005 | 3 | Not taken\n005 | 2 | Not taken\n002 | 2 | Not taken\n003 | 2 | Not taken\n004 | 1 | Not taken\n002 | 3 | Not taken\n004 | 3 | Not taken\n\n\n\nIf you want to pivot it then:\nSELECT *\nFROM (\n SELECT s.studentid,\n c.classid,\n COALESCE( TO_CHAR( r.grade ), 'Not taken' ) AS grade\n FROM students s\n CROSS JOIN classes c\n LEFT OUTER JOIN registration r\n ON ( s.studentid = r.studentid AND c.classid = r.classid )\n)\nPIVOT ( MAX( grade ) FOR classid IN (\n 1 AS Class1,\n 2 AS Class2,\n 3 AS Class3\n) )\nORDER BY StudentID\n\nWhich outputs:\n\n\nSTUDENTID | CLASS1 | CLASS2 | CLASS3 \n:-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :--------\n001 | 4 | 3 | 1 \n002 | 2 | Not taken | Not taken\n003 | 5 | Not taken | Not taken\n004 | Not taken | Not taken | Not taken\n005 | Not taken | Not taken | Not taken\n\n\ndb<>fiddle here",

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