CMake Deprecation Warning :" message(DEPRECATION “The CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER macro is deprecated
NickName:udayakarthik g Ask DateTime:2021-02-23T16:39:42

CMake Deprecation Warning :" message(DEPRECATION “The CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER macro is deprecated

We are using CMake 3.12.0. I am using the below CMake script for compilation. While I am compiling the code I got a warning like

message(DEPRECATION “The CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER macro is deprecated. " 
“Instead, just set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and allow CMAKE to identify the compiler.”)” .

May I know how to fix this issue?

We are using Rh850 based compiler and windows10 machine. Let me know if any other information is required from my side.

CMake Script:

# Change Compiler to RH850


#TODO set dependency files (.d) to the correct location for compiler id check and remove FORCE’s

May I know how to fix this warning instead of suppress it.

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