Complex query / Index help for MongoDB query
NickName:user18196624 Ask DateTime:2022-12-03T20:48:56

Complex query / Index help for MongoDB query

I have a big mongodb query that has some dynamic properties based on filter options, and including filtering between dates. My query is currently causing scanned Objects / returned results ratio to go above 1000. I am sure my query can be improved as well as adding suitable indexes but I am not sure of the correct index's / improvements to my query.

const userFilter = user ? { assignee: new Types.ObjectId(user) } : null;
    const clientFilter = client ? { client: new Types.ObjectId(client) } : null;

            $match: {
                status: 1,
                customer: new Types.ObjectId(customer),
            $match: {
                $or: [
                        end: {
                            $gte: new Date(end),
                        start: {
                            $lte: new Date(start),
                        end: {
                            $gte: new Date(end),
                        start: {
                            $lte: new Date(end),
                            $gte: new Date(start),
                        start: {
                            $lte: new Date(start),
                        end: {
                            $lte: new Date(end),
                            $gte: new Date(start),
                        start: {
                            $gte: new Date(start),
                        end: {
                            $lte: new Date(end),
                        start: {
                            $lte: new Date(end),
                        // @ts-ignore
                        start: {
                            $gte: new Date(start),
                        end: {
                            $lte: new Date(end),
                        // @ts-ignore
                        end: {
                            $gte: new Date(start),
            $sort: { createdAt: 1 },


Depending on filter options we could be filtering by assignee and/or client. We also only want returned results where the start or end date of the document falls within the start and end date filters.

I have tried a few variations of the query itself, as well as adding some compound indexes but had no real success improving the query or index's.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「user18196624」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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