How to set secure websocket connection using websocket-server and node.js
NickName:Mikhail.Mamaev Ask DateTime:2011-08-27T02:49:23

How to set secure websocket connection using websocket-server and node.js

I can't set secure websocket connection using websocket-server and node.js

server side

var options = {
    key: fs.readFileSync(PRIVATE_KEY),
    cert: fs.readFileSync(CERTIFICATE)

// create web server
var server = ws.createServer(options);

client side

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var wsUri = "wss://url:8000";

    function init() {            
        websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);


    window.addEventListener("load", init, false);

But it works for ws

var wsUri = "ws://url:8000";

Any ideas?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Mikhail.Mamaev」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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