Java meaning of .java~
NickName:Rollerball Ask DateTime:2013-02-27T21:59:30

Java meaning of .java~

By typing jar -tf myJar.jar MyProject I get in the file list, besides the normal .java and .class files, also a .java~ file. I have read googling it around that it is due to some other incomplete version of the If so, How can I go ahead and remove those files? since in the real folder there are no other files than and file.class.

Thanks in advance.

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Jon Skeet 2013-02-27T14:00:37

They're almost certainly just backup files automatically created by whatever text editor you're using. You should be fine to remove them.\n\nI'm sure they are in the real folder - it's possible your shell/explorer is hiding them from you. Just try using a command line to remove them by name, even if they don't show up on autocomplete.\n\n(It's hard to be more specific when we don't know which editor you're using, which operating system, or how you're looking at the directory...)",

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