Angular D3 TopoJSON: mouseover tooltip coordinates wrong
NickName:OJT Ask DateTime:2022-02-23T14:16:03

Angular D3 TopoJSON: mouseover tooltip coordinates wrong

I am trying to implement a div tooltip on mouseover for counties in a TopoJSON map of the United States, using D3 on a page built in Angular.

I have tried every combination of the x/y coordinates available in the D3 mouseover event, as well as some combinations suggested online (D3.pointer, Element.getBoundingClientRect, etc.), but no matter what I do the tooltip seems to fall at incorrect coordinates, offset from my mouse and not necessarily by the same degree at each location on the svg.

Is there a proper way to do this? Examples of code are below. The relevant portion is within this.counties.on("mouseover", ...).


<div class="row g-0">
  <div class="container" id="mapContainer">
    <svg id="map"></svg>
    <div id="tooltip">TESTING</div>


#mapContainer {
  position: relative;
#tooltip {
  position: absolute;


    this.svg ="#map")
      .attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet")
      .attr("viewBox", "0 0 960 600")
      .attr("height", "100%")
      .attr("width", "100%")

    this.g = this.svg.append("g")
      .attr("id", "g")

    this.zoom = d3.zoom()
      .scaleExtent([1, 8])
      .translateExtent([[0, 0], [960, 600]])
      .on("zoom", (event, d) => {
        let {transform} = event
        this.g.attr("transform", transform)
        this.g.attr("stroke-width", 1 / transform.k)

    this.counties = this.g.append("g")
      .attr("class", "county")
      .attr("fill", "#DFDFDF")
      .attr("stroke", "#FFFFFF")
      .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round")
      .attr("stroke-width", "0.25")
      .data(topojson.feature(this.topography, this.topography["objects"]["counties"])["features"])
      .attr("id", function(d) {return d["id"]})
      .attr('d', this.path)
      .attr("fill", "#DFDFDF")
      .on("mousemove", (event, d) => {"#tooltip")
          .style("left", `${d3.pointer(event)[0]}px`)
          .style("top", `${d3.pointer(event)[1]}px`)


      .on("mousemove", (event, d) => {"#tooltip")
          .style("left", `${event.pageY}px`)
          .style("top", `${event.pageX}px`)


A few screenshots of results, e.g., when the cursor is in Maine in the top-right:

enter image description here

And when the cursor is in Arizona in the bottom-left:

enter image description here

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「OJT」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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