SQL API for *NIX C++
NickName:Henrik Hillestad Løvold Ask DateTime:2013-12-04T20:48:58

SQL API for *NIX C++

I am currently writing a client-server app for the iOS platform. The client is written in Obj-C, and the server uses C++ on OSX11.9. Since I intend to run the server software on an Ubuntu dedicated server, I am trying my best to keep the serverside code portable.

To store data about users and user-game-relations I intend to use an SQL database (most likely MySQL or possibly PostgreSQL since I'm familiar with those). I know that it is possible to read from/write to the database through a filedescriptor just like I do in my TCP module, but I wish to utilize a higher-level SQL communications API to make the programming process quicker.

Can anyone recommend me a good open source/free SQL API for *NIX C++? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Henrik Hillestad Løvold」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20375866/sql-api-for-nix-c

DarkWanderer 2013-12-04T12:54:50

You have several options here:\n\n\nUse native database SDK. They are usually distributed along with the database installation or as separate downloads/packets. The upside is you can get maximum speed out of it. Downside is that you'll be limited by your initial choice - no switching afterwards without rewriting part of application.\nUse a C++ ORM (example: ODB). This gives you DB independence along with some tasty features, at the cost of slightly reduced speed.\n",

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