Forking a new process when Node.JS receives a connection
NickName:sffc Ask DateTime:2014-05-19T22:19:59

Forking a new process when Node.JS receives a connection

I'm running a Node.JS application involving heavy child process I/O. Due to the way Node.JS handles file descriptors (among other reasons), I want to fork a new V8 instance for every connection to the server. (Yes, I'm aware that this is a potentially expensive operation, but that's not the point of this question.)

I am using nssocket for my server, but this question should apply to other types of Node.JS servers (express, Socket.IO, etc) as well.

Right now I have:

var server = require("nssocket").createServer(function(socket){
    // Do stuff with the new connection

The intuitive thing to do is this:

// master.js
var server = require("nssocket").createServer(function(socket){
    // Fork a new process to handle the connection

// worker.js
// Do stuff with the new connection

However, then the child process won't have access to the socket variable.

I've read about the new cluster API in Node, but it doesn't look like it's designed for the case when you want every connection to spawn a new worker.

Any ideas?

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Hendrik Demmer 2014-05-19T19:53:57

The cluster API is probably closest to what you want. In theory you can call cluster.fork() at any time within the master process. Note that once the socket connection is established, there is afaik no way to hand it over to another process.\n\nTo forward the communication to the worker, you could use message passing (i.e. worker.send) or you could open another port in the worker process and direct the client there.\n\nI should stress that running significantly more worker processes than CPU cores is probably not a good idea. Have you considered pooling the workers or using a work queue like Beanstalkd?",

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