FTP acknowledge transfer completion
NickName:Xavier DSouza Ask DateTime:2016-05-13T14:04:12

FTP acknowledge transfer completion

I am transferring files at regular intervals to remote system via FTP using a Java client. The files are huge in size(>10MB). A third-party application processes these files in remote path. Now the problem is that file is being created at remote path and while the transfer is still in progress the third-party application starts processing it. I need to avoid this.

Solution suggested by third-party side was to have another file transferred containing size in bytes. Suppose file being transferred is Transaction_20160513_1130.csv then after completion transfer another file Transaction_20160513_1130.size which will be a plain text containing size in bytes of Transaction_20160513_1130.csv

Is there a better solution than the above? This might be a common issue. Hope there is a common solution as well.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Xavier DSouza」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37202300/ftp-acknowledge-transfer-completion

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