Why an empty array in javascript entering for loop?
More about “Why an empty array in javascript entering for loop?” related questions

Looping an empty array in a not-empty array produces an infinite loop: why?

Why, if a I nest a for-loop executed on an empty array in another for-loop executed on a not empty array, I get a browser-blocking infinite loop as result? var links = []; var anchors = ['a', '...

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Initialized empty numpy array is not really empty (contains zeros)

In order to store many 3D points coordinates tuples in a numpy.ndarray I initialize an empty numpy array before entering a loop for each of some features. To do so, I currently do this before enter...

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Why am I not entering this for loop

Why am I not entering this for loop? Looks like the for loop isn't processing let z = [1, 2]; function filter_list(l, z) { // Why am I not entering the for loop? let del = []; for (let ...

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Loop until find an array empty in Javascript

I'm trying to find a solution to make a loop (Javascript) until the array of object is empty. Here the object that I want to use : "chain": { "evolves_to": [{ "

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Why array_shift on an array with an empty string breaks the loop?

I just noticed that iterating an array using a while and array_shift behaves differently from a simple for loop when encounters an empty string. Here's a sample: While loop: $arr=[1, "",1,""]; wh...

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Why use an empty for loop in Javascript--for(;;)?

I forget where now, but I read somewhere that for(;;){...} is the same as saying while(1){...}. This answer confirms that this is true and explains why for(;;) works at all. However, it doesn't ela...

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the issues of appending arrays generated in the loop with initial empty array

I have the following code, aiming to concatenate arrays generated within a loop, and initiate an empty array before entering the loop. For illustration purposes, i just make loop have one iteratio...

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Why is my PHP array not entering a function as not being empty?

Basically, I am running an if statement if my array is empty. For example: $csv = array(); $csv_empty = array_filter($csv); if (!empty($csv_empty)) { Other code goes here } unset($csv); &#x

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Looping through empty javascript array returns array object functions

I noticed that in my javascript, if I create an empty array, loop through it as an associative array, and print out the contents, it returns what looks like functions from the Array Object class it...

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(Why) should I test if an array is empty prior to a for loop?

Given an empty array $items = array(); Why should I use the following code (which I've seen used before): if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) // do stuff here } instead of j...

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