Java / Android auto-resolving generic type. Asking for step-by-step guidance to understand
NickName:Christopher Rucinski Ask DateTime:2013-09-26T14:39:22

Java / Android auto-resolving generic type. Asking for step-by-step guidance to understand

I was recently working on some Android code (this should be a generic Java question - pardon the pun - about generics and Java auto resolving the type).

Here is my code (Android-based, but please create a java specific version if you need to)

class ViewFinder<T extends View> {

    final static <T> T byId(View view, int resource) {

        return (T) view.findViewById(resource);



Here is the interesting bit...

// Convert XML UI component definitions into the static View Holder object

// Here is what we normally have to do for Android to convert the XML into a UI component
holder.txtGroupName = (TextView) row.findViewById(;

// This is what I can do with my ViewFinder class above!        
holder.txtGroupName = ViewFinder.byId(row,;

// This is what I was EXPECTING to do with my ViewFinder class above!       
holder.txtGroupName = ViewFinder<TextView>.byId(row,;

No I know that Java (not Android) is resolving the Generic T type to be a TextView UI component, but why and *how*?

Can I get a "play-by-play" of what is going on here? I want to be able to figure out if this is going to happen before I code something next time.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Christopher Rucinski」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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